3.3 Plan
Specifically, the plan aims to:
  • Ensure conservation of the Reserve’s globally significant biodiversity
  • Maintain the role of the MMNR as the flagship of Kenya’s tourism industry
  • Improve on a sustainable basis the revenues generated by the MMNR, to support increasing community livelihood and Reserve management needs
  • Provide a practical management tool to support MMNR managers in carrying out their day-to-day management responsibilities.
In order to achieve these aims, the plan sets out a series of stakeholder and management-agreed goals (the purpose statements and objectives) that the two county councils will aim to achieve over the plan’s 10-year lifespan, and a series of prescriptions and management actions that will be implemented to ensure these goals are achieved. The plan focuses on the management of the MMNR itself, although, to a limited degree, it also addresses issues beyond the Reserve that are seriously impacting on the area, especially regarding ecological issues and community engagement.
The process used to develop the new management plan as well as the plan’s structure have been based on the Kenya Wildlife Service’s Protected Areas Planning Framework, or PAPF, which is designed to provide a planning standard for all of Kenya’s parks and reserves. Also in line with the PAPF, the new management plan has been developed in a highly participatory manner, incorporating and building on ideas from a broad cross-section of the Reserve’s stakeholders.