Brown field countryside
This type of countryside includes disused quarries, ex- mining villages and ex-fishing villages and ministry of defense military establishments. It is countryside that has lost an industry through economic restructuring, but has yet to find a role.
The future of these areas depends on how far and how quickly they can re-invent themselves as one of the three categories above. This in turn will depend on what advantages different places can build on, the imagination of local entrepreneurs and leaders, and – in many cases – the availability of government support to help the transition. Making local partnerships work will be essential.
Renewing ex-industrial countryside will be important for sustainability. It will improve the appearance of the countryside, reduce social exclusion and bring spare assets into use, which will boost the economy.
Quality of life is understood here in terms of ‘well- being’, shaped by environment, autonomy, relationships and meaning. In each case, forces influencing the future are pulling in different directions, with contrasting outcomes.