1.3 Cousteau Ecotechnie Programme
Barriers to total understanding
Sectorialism and specialisation permeate society in general.  Decision-makers tend to base their decisions on short-term benefits, and often ignore long-term environmental, social and cultural costs. In addition, well established existing organizations, institutions and structures, as well as scientific disciplines, are factors that contribute to support such narrow decision-making. Together with vested interests in politics, industry and the corporate sphere, these institutional barriers effectively block change towards more long-term, integrated decision-making favouring the environment and sustainability   In particular, these barriers obscure the opportunities for joint work between social and environmental scientists in fields that go beyond their disciplinary frontiers.
Cultural change
Education is a key instrument for cultural change, and future decision-and-policy-makers must be provided with integrated, multidisciplinary education, training and research. But bridges are needed between disciplines at all levels of education to reinvigorate ingrained working methods and mind sets to enable future decision- makers, families and individuals to resolve the complexities of responding to change within an integrated, long- term perspective.
Ideology of a new subject
The long term consequences of political, industrial and biological management and development of the environment can only be understood within a knowledge system that integrates, ecology, economics, the social sciences and technology.  It should connect government and business with families and individuals.  As a new subject it should be structured in order to:
  • recognise the multi-disciplinary nature of economic development
  • have a long-term perspective
  • improve the effective balance between conserving and using resources
  • emphasise informed public participation in decision-making
  • promote the equitable sharing of resources and reduce the risk for conflicts
  • foster respect for cultural, social and biological diversity
These are the six educational imperatives recognised by the UNESCO-Cousteau Ecotechnie Programme (UCEP) as keystones in the promotion of education for environment and sustainable development.  They are embedded in this cultural ecology mindmap.