The term homeostasis was used by physiologist Walter Cannon to refer to the process by which an organism maintains a fairly constant internal (bodily) environment. That is, how body temperature, blood-sugar level, salt concentration in the blood, etc., are kept in a state of relative balance or equilibrium. The basic idea is that when a state of imbalance occurs (e.g. through a sudden substantial rise in body temperature) something must happen to correct the imbalance and restore equilibrium (e.g. sweating). In this case, the animal does not have to 'do' anything because sweating is a completely automatic biological response (physiological). However, in the case of an imbalance caused by the body's need for food or drink (tissue need), the hungry or thirsty animal has to behave in a manner that will procure food or water. It is here that the concept of a homeostatic drive becomes important: Tissue need leads to internal imbalance, which leads to homeostatic drive, which leads to appropriate behaviour, which leads to restoration of internal balance, which leads to a reduction of the drive.
The term 'homeostasis' is now used to cover all the co-ordinated processes by which each organism maintains itself as a functional part of an ecosystem in a steady state. This statement implies that organisms are able to 'perceive' an end point to which they adjust their activities. These activities are manifest at the organ, system, species and social levels, but ultimately there is a basic cellular reaction (or reactions) which underlies these adjustments. Thus, for all organisms, there are optimum conditions for life which at any point in time may be expressed in terms of the composition of the internal environment. We talk about regulatory mechanisms whereby organisms minimize the internal effects of environmental changes in, for example, temperature and salt content on the one hand, and population density on the other. The properties of the internal environment always change less than those of the external environment. However, the presence of homeostatic mechanisms does not imply a lack of change because the end point or value for the optimum steady state condition may shift with time.
The study of homeostatic mechanisms leads to an understanding of how different organisms are able to live and reproduce under adverse conditions. The term 'adverse' is used in the sense that no organism can maintain itself in any environment without effort. Problems of homeostasis are not so marked in a temperate climate as they are in polar or equatorial regions, but the problems encountered in the latter areas are merely temperate problems magnified many times, but in different environmental directions.
There are three theoretical ways in which homeostasis may be accomplished.
(1) If the environmental change is predictable, a timed device could provide a periodic internal counterpoise to the known fluctuation.
(2) The external conditions could be assessed and, together with a knowledge of the properties of the reacting system, an estimate could be made as to the extent of the anticipated change. An appropriate response could then be initiated to counteract the expected change.
(3) The internal condition could be monitored and any undue departure from a desirable norm could be used as a signal to initiate a response which would stop only when the norm had been restored.