3.7.6 Plant aliens
In 2000 the IUCN published strategic guildelines on the prevention of loss of biodiversity through invasions of alien invasive plant species. They may be as damaging to native species and ecosystems on a global scale as the loss and degradation of habitats.
For millennia, the natural barriers of oceans, mountains, rivers and deserts provided the isolation essential for unique species and ecosystems to evolve. In just a few hundred years these barriers have been rendered ineffective by major global forces that combined to help alien species travel vast distances to new habitats and become alien invasive species. The globalisation and growth in the volume of trade and tourism, coupled with the emphasis on free trade, provide more opportunities than ever before for species to be spread accidentally or deliberately. Customs and quarantine practices, developed in an earlier time to guard against human and economic diseases and pests, are often inadequate safeguards against species that threaten native biodiversity. Thus the inadvertent ending of millions of years of biological isolation has created major ongoing problems that affect developed and developing countries.
The scope and cost of biological alien invasions is global and enormous, in both ecological and economic terms. Alien invasive species are found in all taxonomic groups: they include introduced viruses, fungi, algae, mosses, ferns, higher plants, invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. They have invaded and affected native biota in virtually every ecosystem type on Earth. Hundreds of extinctions have been caused by alien invasives. The ecological cost is the irretrievable loss of native species and ecosystems.
In addition, the direct economic costs of alien invasive species run into many billions of dollars annually. Arable weeds reduce crop yields and increase costs; weeds degrade catchment areas and freshwate ecosystems; tourists and homeowners unwittingly introduce alien plants into wilderness and natural areas; pests and pathogens of crops, livestock and forests reduce yields and increase control costs. The discharge of ballast water together with hull fouling has led to unplanned and unwanted introductions of harmful aquatic organisms, including diseases, bacteria and viruses, in marine and freshwater systems.
Ballast water is now regarded as the most important vector for trans-oceanic and inter-oceanic movements of shallow-water coastal organisms. Factors like environmental pollution and habitat destruction can provide conditions that favour alien invasive species.
The degradation of natural habitats, ecosystems and agricultural lands (e.g. loss of cover and soil, pollution of land and waterways) that has occurred throughout the world has made it easier for alien species to establish and become invasive. Many alien invasives are “colonising” species that benefit from the reduced competition that follows habitat degradation. Global climate change is also a significant factor assisting the spread and establishment of alien invasive species. For example, increased temperatures may enable alien, disease-carrying mosquitoes to extend their range.
Sometimes the information that could alert management agencies to the potential dangers of new introductions is not known. Frequently, however, useful information is not widely shared or available in an appropriate format for many countries to take prompt action, assuming they have the resources, necessary infrastructure, commitment and trained staff to do so.
Few countries have developed the comprehensive legal and institutional systems that are capable of responding effectively to these new flows of goods, visitors and ‘hitchhiker’ species. Many citizens, key sector groups and governments have a poor appreciation of the magnitude and economic costs of the problem. As a consequence, responses are too often piecemeal, late and ineffective. It is in this context that IUCN has identified the problem of alien invasive species as one of its major initiatives at the global level.
While all continental areas have suffered from biological alien invasions, and lost biological diversity as a result, the problem is especially acute on islands in general, and for small island countries in particular.
Problems also arise in other isolated habitats and ecosystems, such as in Antarctica. The physical isolation of islands over millions of years has favored the evolution of unique species and ecosystems. As a consequence, islands and other isolated areas (e.g. mountains and lakes) usually have a high proportion of endemic species (those found nowhere else) and are centres of significant biological diversity. The evolutionary processes associated with isolation have also meant island species are especially vulnerable to competitors, predators, pathogens and parasites from other areas. It is important to turn this isolation of islands into an advantage by improving the capacity of governments to prevent the arrival of alien invasive species with better knowledge, improved laws and greater management capacity, backed by quarantine and customs systems that are capable of identifying and intercepting alien invasive species.