Action 2.6 Key equipment
MMNR security staff can be exposed to dangerous situations in the course of their work, and need to be appropriately
equipped in order to ensure the safety and effectiveness of their operations. In this regard, there
are a number of areas that MMNR managers have identified as priority equipment shortfalls that need to be
addressed. These include the provision of two additional vehicles specifically to support security operations,
which will be located at the two new ranger posts established on the CCN side of the Reserve south of the
Sand River and at the Mara River Bridge (see Action 2.5 above). The feasibility and utility of acquiring additional
specialised equipment to enhance the safety and effectiveness of security patrols will also be investigated,
specifically the potential of night vision goggles and protective clothing, such as bullet-proof vests.
Firearms will also need to be upgraded during the lifespan of this plan, although this is likely to be contingent
on the registering of MMNR rangers as Kenya Police Reservists (see Action 2.4 above). Finally, the possibility
of acquiring a small aircraft (such as Piper SuperCub) for aerial surveillance and management support
across the entire MMNR will be investigated, and the aircraft will be acquired if deemed appropriate and affordable.