Community interface
However, many community members living around the MMNR have maintained a close relationship with the Reserve, and have retained a unique sense of pride and ownership in the area, and in the exceptional natural resources it conserves. This programme aims to capitalise on and strengthen this special relationship between the MMNR and its neighbours, as a crucial foundation for the long-term conservation of the Reserve, as well as the Greater Mara Ecosystem beyond. Key in achieving this aim is ensuring that strong and constructive relationships between the MMNR and neighbouring communities are established. This is the thrust of the programme’s first objective, which primarily focuses on the establishment or enhancement of management-community communication mechanisms, and improving community awareness and appreciation of the Reserve through both outreach activities and the development of a new MMNR Education Centre, which will be used to support school visits to the area and thereby establish a growing base of support for the Reserve’s conservation.
Building strong and constructive relationships with neighbouring communities is an important management
strategy for achieving the overall CO&P Programme purpose of strengthening community support for the
conservation and management of the MMNR, and developing a sense of community pride and ownership
for the Reserve. As has been demonstrated in several other Kenyan protected areas, the development of constructive
relations between managers and adjacent communities can also play an important role in reducing
the impacts of illegal activities (such as livestock grazing or bushmeat poaching) on the protected area’s biodiversity.
This strategy has often proved to be an important complement to law enforcement efforts, and, over
the long-term, is likely to be much more cost effective than enforcement alone. The fostering of good community
relations is especially important in the MMNR, because of the unique cultural ties between the
Maasai community and the MMNR, which results in a special desire on the part of the community to be
involved in the affairs of the Reserve.
This management objective has therefore been developed to bring about the desired future state where there
are strong and constructive relationships between MMNR management and surrounding communities. Perhaps
the most important foundation for developing or strengthening these relationships is the creation of
opportunities and mechanisms for communities and managers to communicate with each other, and to
work together in addressing common problems. To achieve this aim, four management actions have been
developed that focus on enhancing information exchange between MMNR managers and communities
around the Reserve. These actions are elaborated in the following paragraphs.