Action 1.2 Byelaws
The MMNR byelaws were gazetted by the CCN in 1994 under section 201 of the Local Government Act,
prior to the splitting of the Reserve between the CCN and CCTM. These byelaws cover a wide range of
issues such as the role and authority of the senior warden, visitor rules and regulations, and visitor entrance
fees. In the past, and in the absence of a strong management plan to guide the management of the MMNR,
these byelaws have served a vital function in guiding Reserve management and use. However, while many of
the byelaws are still appropriate, some are now outdated and have been superseded by events. In addition,
the development and implementation of this new management plan will create the need for further revisions
to the byelaws to ensure that they complement and reinforce the management plan’s prescriptions. This
management action will therefore involve a review and revision of the current MMNR byelaws taking into
account the changes proposed in this management plan, and based on any other lessons learnt and specific
needs identified. Of particular importance in this regard is increasing the penalties for illegal activities by tourism
industry staff, which are currently too low to provide a strong enough disincentive to breaking the visitor
rules and regulations. As these byelaws are relatively inflexible, they should wherever possible refer to the
appropriate section of the management plan, which, as a more flexible document, can respond better to
changing situations and therefore ensure that the byelaws remain relevant. Once drafted, the revised byelaws
will need to be jointly gazetted by both CNN and TMCC.