Action 2.2 Social responsibility
A number of tourism operators in and around the MMNR have established trusts or foundations through
which funds donated by clients, or allocated from their own profits, can be channelled to community projects.
Typically these social responsibility initiatives include support for schools, enhancing access to water or
fuel supplies, or supporting educational scholarships. These projects not only address immediate community
needs around the MMNR and help enhance support for the conservation of the area, but also, if properly
advertised, can be an important marketing tool for tourism facilities and can contribute towards their ecotourism
certification. However, the scope and extent of these social responsibility activities varies significantly
between operators; not all initiatives have been successful either from a community or operator perspective,
and there remains significant scope in and around the MMNR for the improvement and expansion of such
As a first step towards addressing this issue, MMNR managers will raise awareness among tourism operators
(both inside and outside the MMNR) of the importance and potential benefits of incorporating social responsibility
in their operations, and, as appropriate, will facilitate linkages between tourism operators and
communities, and the identification of appropriate projects that can be supported. As part of this process,
attention will be paid to ensuring that benefits received are clearly connected to the conservation of the
MMNR, and do not undermine traditional cultures around the Reserve. Alongside these projects, MMNR
management will also encourage operators to employ residents from Narok or Trans Mara District whenever
possible (as is already practised at a number of facilities), and will, as appropriate, support this by raising
awareness in MMNR-adjacent communities of any opportunities that may arise. Finally, management will
also raise awareness amongst facility operators of the availability of local produce (such as fresh fruits and
vegetables) around the MMNR, and aim to